I am a Somatic Therapist (Body-Based Healing) and Naturopath, specializing in women living with anxiety, chronic stress and chronic symptoms.
My current business and life’s purpose was born out of my own experience, years and years of chronic mental and physical health problems and being told that “everything looks fine” while I felt my mental and physical health slowly deteriorating as I tried my best to heal myself...
LET'S WORK TOGETHERAn Early Journey Through Digestive Struggles and Mental Health Challenges...
As early as I can remember, I suffered from severe digestive problems and an intense level of emotional sensitivity (hello fellow empaths). Throughout my childhood, my ability to deeply feel emotions was tied to a long history of physical symptoms.
Around the age of 13, I started to experience episodes of depression and anxiety, and (of course) I was quickly prescribed an anti-depressant that made me feel even more out of place in my already confusing teenage years.
Becoming disconnected from my body...
In high school, hormonal acne and migraines prompted a prescription for birth control. I started to gain weight quickly, I always felt bloated and irritable and increasingly resentful of my developing teenage body. Once I got into college, I went through two very traumatic life events, including sexual and reproductive health trauma.
My physical and mental health problems became more severe, I started to experience disordered eating patterns and felt a growing sense of self-hatred . Everything I did reflected a "punishment" to my body and I refused to listen to the messages that it was trying to send me via symptoms. At this point, I had anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, chronic joint pain, IBS and chronic bacterial and viral infections.

I had dreams of working in the international non-profit field (I was born with an innate desire to help and serve, and service continues to be my top core value), so during these turbulent years I was participating in several internships around the world.
Both my physical and mental health symptoms continued to get worse and my free time was either spent in and out of doctors offices in a variety of languages or hiding away in my room, too scared to show the world the anxiety and disconnection that I was so deeply and painfully feeling inside.
On the outside you would have never guessed what I was going through, I continued to excel in an academic and social perspective, but what people didn't see was the growing list chronic health symptoms and a true sense of desperation.
On the inside I felt like my brain and heart were on fire, I never felt safe in my own body or comfortable saying what I truly felt or needed. From the ages of 20-23, I made 4 calls to a suicide hotline, while simultaneously launching my own international non-profit and being chosen as the commencement speaker for my graduating class at the University of Kentucky. I will be the first to tell. you, outer appearances aren't always what they seem...
Throughout this process, I was also diagnosed with three autoimmune conditions, one of which being Lupus (a systemic autoimmune condition that has the potential to gravely impact multiple organ systems and shorten one’s lifespan). I had gone 2.5 years without menstruating and spent the majority of my nights worrying about a premature death.
While I was told there was no cure for both my physical and mental "diseases", I eventaully made a decision to reject this hopeless “fate” that had been prescribed to me and I set out to investigate the world of natural healing and mind-body medicine.
Through a deep commitment to my own healing journey and an innate desire to help others with the knowledge and experience that I gained, I quickly changed my career path and I discovered my life’s purpose.
As I went through my own healing journey, I was amazed by my innate capacity to heal, both mentally and physically when given the correct inputs.
Throughout my journey working with and learning from a variety of ancient and modern day healers, I started to notice the common threads between all modalities and the most important aspects of healing from chronic illness, anxiety, chronic stress and trauma.
I was deeply inspired by own transformation, as getting better was something I had never imagined to be possible. I decided to study natural medicine and nutrition under a naturopathic doctor while also whole-heartedly diving into mind-body medicine and somatic healing.
Through my own healing experience, my years working with top natural medicine MDs in a functional medicine practice out of New York and thousands of hours of education, I came to understand that the key to health and transformation lies in healing your Nervous System.
Your Nervous System has evolved over billions of years to be a perfect "internal opps system", ultimately designed to keep you alive at all costs.
Unfortunately, living with chronic stress, experiencing trauma and physical illness shifts its delicate programming. This often results in severe ramifications for our physical and mental health.
The nervous system directs brain, digestive, immune and hormonal function.
The key to your healing lies in restoring a sense of safety to your nervous system and re-programming those subconscious blocks that keep sending you into a state of "fight-flight or freeze"".
My goal is to not only rid you of your chronic anxiety, stress, and mystery symptoms, but to send you into the world with a deep sense of self-trust, authenticity and vibrancy. Most importantly, a deep trust in your unique path and life experience.

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